KIERIN MURPHY: Writer and Lyricist Kierin Murphy completed his Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Latin, Classical Civilisations and English, at the University of Newcastle.He has been a resident of the Goulburn Valley for 20 Years, and is well known in the region for his involvement in theatre, having had extensive experience on both sides of the curtain. He has directed and produced for a number of companies and schools in the area. When he set about writing JOAN in 1991, his aim was to produce a script that would both challenge and inspire his performers. It certainly did that! Kierin is currently engaged to research and write a History of Catholic Education in Shepparton, but there are plans for a new musical on the drawing board! 
NEROLI COCHRANE: Composer ("Choice") and orchestration Neroli completed a B.A.Hons., Dip.Ed and B.Teach at the University of Melbourne. She has been involved in music theatre for several years, both on stage and as Musical Director. She has completed an Associate with the Yamaha Music Foundation, becoming an Honorary Life Member of YETA in the process. Neroli was a State Finalist in the International Yamaha Electone Festival on several occasions. She credits the Yamaha focus on orchestral arrangement and original composition for her work on JOAN, which she regards as the highlight of her musical career to date. |